Sending a bot

You can summon a bot:

  1. Immediately to a meeting, provided your bot pool is sufficient

  2. Or reserve one to come in 5 minutes.

Here's an example POST request to, sending a bot to a meeting:
curl -X POST "" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "x-spoke-api-key: YOUR-API-KEY" \
     -d '{
           "meeting_url": YOUR-MEETING-URL,
           "bot_name": "Ai notetaker",
           "recording_mode": "speaker_view",
           "bot_image": "",
           "entry_message": "I am a good meeting bot :)",
           "reserved": false,
           "speech_to_text": "Gladia"

Let's break this down.

  • meeting_url: The meeting URL to join. Accepts Google Meet, Microsoft Teams or Zoom URLs.

  • bot_name: The display name of the bot.

  • reserved:

    • false: this send a bot from our pool of always ready meeting bots, immediately. Beware that demand might temporarily be higher than the number of currently available bots, which could imply a delay in the bot joining. When possible, prefer the true option which reserves an instance of an AI meeting bot.

    • true: this reserves in advance a meeting bot for an upcoming meeting, ensuring the presence of the bot at the start of the meeting, typically for planned calendar events. You need to call this route exactly 5 minutes before the start of the meeting.

  • bot_image: string | null: The url of the image the bot will display. This currently only accepts images in 1280x720 pixels.

  • recording_mode:

    • 'speaker_view': (default) The recording will only show the person speaking at any time.

    • 'gallery_view':The recording will show all the speakers.

    • 'audio_only': The recording will be a mp3.

  • entry_message | optional:The message the bot will write within 15 seconds after being accepted in the meeting.

  • speech_to_text | optional: The speech to text API to use for the transcript. Currently only accepts Gladia. If set, you will get the transcript.

  • automatic_leave.waiting_room_timeout| optional: The time in seconds the bot will wait in a meeting room, before dropping. The default value is 900 (15 minutes).

This request will respond with the identifier of the bot you just created:

HTTP/2 200
Content-Type: application/json

  "bot_id": 42

Last updated